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  导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《求职申请英文简历》的内容,具体内容:简历如同是产品的广告和说明书,是求职者给招聘单位发的第一份简要介绍。以下是我整理的,以供大家参考。一:Name:Gender: MaleNational...




 Gender: Male

 Nationality: Han

 Date of birth:

 Degree: College

 Title: Assistant

 University one is graduated from: Zhejiang Water Conservancy and Hydropower College

 Graduation time: 2020 06 months

 Speciality: engineering cost

 Foreign language: English (fluent)

 Computer level: skilled

 Work experience: Practice / fresh

 Contact way:

 Job search intention

 Job type: Full-time

 Unit properties: no limit

 Expected industry: construction, real estate, professional services, consulting, accounting, legal, electric power, electrical, energy

 Desired position: project cost estimate / budget

 Work location: Hangzhou City

 Desired salary: no limit / negotiable

 Education experience

 2007.9--2020.7 of the Zhejiang Water Conservancy and Hydropower College engineering cost

 Work experience

 2008 June - 2009 September: Hangzhou Geshun Architectural Engineering Limited company internship (usually break to company):

 1, to assist the budget units completed Hangzhou City nine town lattice fan community standard factory building project.

 2, independent completion of Shen Jia Gang (South Yellow port - preparing River) facade renovation project, Jianggan science and Technology Park, Jianggan science and technology project of R21-1 walls of block M1-11-1, -2 block temporary wall engineering.

 3, during the Hangzhou City nine town lattice fan community standard factory construction follow the old master to help lofting.

 Professional skills

 1: Master of architectural design software (AutoCAD).

 2: master the budget and final accounts of engineering calculation (in tea, etc.).

 3: Master of engineering data management (tea).

 Self assessment

 I cheerful character, honest, optimistic, broad interests, have stronger organizational capability and adaptability, and has strong management planning and management organization coordinated ability; strong sense of responsibility.


 Name: Mr.

 Nationality: China

 The current residence: Guangzhou Nationality: Han

 Household registration: Foshan body material: 170 cm 60 kg

 Marital status: single age: 23

 Job search intention and work experience

 The type of talent: ordinary job

 Position: project budget, construction project management / project manager:

 Work experience: 1 job:

 Job type: full-time date available: at any time

 Salary requirements: 1500--2000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou Foshan

 Work experience

 Company name: Guangdong Overseas Chinese decorative limited start-stop date: 2020-1 ~ 2020.5

 Company type: private enterprise of the industry: real estate / building

 Position: budget officer

 Job description: do site decoration construction, drawing

 Education background

 University one is graduated from: Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University

 Degree: college graduation date:

 Specialty: Building Engineering

 Self introduction

 I am cheerful, active, optimistic, the hobby is widespread, has the strong organization ability and the adaptability, and has a good physique. Peace with classmates, helpfulness, serious and responsible work. To actively participate in school activities and classes, and can give full play to the activities of its role. The

 budget, the budget can be done independently in the municipal construction site.


 Name: Mr.

 Nationality: China

 The current residence: Guangzhou Nationality: Han

 Household registration: Guangzhou body material: 167 cm 128 kg

 Marital status: single age: 24

 Job search intention and work experience

 The type of talent: ordinary job

 Position: sales, real estate administrative,

 Work experience: 2 job: no title

 Job type: full-time date available: at any time

 Salary: Negotiable hope work area requirements: Guangdong Province

 Work experience

 Company name: XXX start-stop date: 2020-05 ~ 2020-05

 Company nature: industry:

 Position: Manager Business

 Education background

 University one is graduated from: Jinan University

 Degree: Master

 Graduation date:

 Major: Finance

 Self assessment

 I work in a conscientious and responsible, be strict in ones demands, and has a strong sense of responsibility and initiative, with market analysis and sales experience, and full of work and team spirit, excellent Cantonese and Mandarin speaking and writing ability, and have some foundation in English, skilled in the operation of windows on the platform of all kinds of application software (such as Word, Exce1) I character cheerful, happy to communicate with people, so many friends, good adaptability and skilled communication skills, can help managers to complete the outstanding work.

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